Welcome to the Sacramento Tall Club website!

Congratulations to us for Best Website and Attendance plus Merit Awards for members Harry Leman and Barbara Kerrin!
The Sacramento Tall Club is a social club for men 6’2″ (and taller) and women 5’10” (and taller). Our Club is a member of Tall Clubs International, an international organization of Tall Clubs. You may reach us many ways:
- Via our Facebook page
- Via our Meetup page and our current events calendar
- Via our new MeetUp group Sacramento Tall Club 2.0
- Via email: info@sacramentotallclub.org. Also see our Officers page for other email addresses.
We’re an active social club. You can find photos of many of our past events on our Facebook photos page as well as on our Meetup photos page. We publish our calendar of events using Meetup. You are welcome to join us at any event. And when you are ready, become a member. We hope to see you soon!
Join us for our 2025 Sacramento Tall Club Weekend Gathering Event, May 16 & 17 2025.
The Great Reno Balloon Races coming Friday, September 5 through Sunday, September 7, 2025